Monday, July 7, 2008

Motivation-The Magical Word

Motivation!!! What a word it is???

This word can make a considerable difference in one's life. The sense in which a person is motivated makes him a good or bad guy.

Wiki defines motivation like this
"Motivation is the reason or reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behaviour as studied in psychology and neuropsychology."

The most important thing in motivation is that the person should be motivated in a positive way such that it makes considerable impact on him and his surrounding as well.

The most bad impact created by negative motivation is terrorism, the terrosists are continously hyptonized by their leader on achieving the particular task.

Before i conclude this blog i request all the visitors who peep into my blog to check this video where you can find the most eloquent and motivating speech provided by this great man

Please do not ignore this footage,i ensure that it will make a big difference in your life.